Lab Package: Model C Lab and 5LB Closed Loop Active extractor
Lab Package: Model C Lab and 5LB Active Closed Loop Extractor!
Model C Lab Dimensions : 10′ W x 10′ H x 10′ L
- LEL Gas detection System
- Fire Rated Front door
- AEL High Velocity exhaust system
- Standard CP200 Control Panel
- Dual Audio and Visual Alarm system
- High Efficiency Filtration system
- Self Luminous Exit Hardware
- Professional Peer reviewed design
5lb Closed Loop extraction system
Packing List
TRU-5lb System
UL Listed 11CFM UVP-11 Corrosion Resistant 2-Stage Vacuum Pump (Included In passive)
200°C 30L Recirculating Heater RH-30L
40°C 30L Recirculating Chiller UC-30/40 (Included In passive)
Master Vapor Pump 6CFM Recovery Pump (Included in Active System)